National AIDS Helpline
0800 012 322
For queries on HIV and general queries on TB, available 24 hours a day
0861 322 322
For general counselling support, specific medical queries may be referred elsewhere or to an HIV counsellor if available
HIV 911
0860 HIV 911 / 0860 448 911 or sms 45080
For referral of HIV queries to the appropriate place, available Mon – Fri, 08h00 – 16h00.
Love Life Sexual Health Line
0800 121 900
For counselling and queries from the youth, available 24 hours a day but high call volumes mean you may have to try more than once.
Stop Gender Violence Helpline:
0800 150 150
For counselling and queries on gender violence, available 24 hours a day
Depression and Mental Health Helpline
0800 567 567
For counselling and referral for depression, anxiety and mental health issues, available from 08h00 to 20h00
Tough Love
0861 868 445
For counselling for families in crisis by appointment, not available 24 hours
Emergency Contraception Hotline
0800 246 432
For recorded information
Social Grants Helpline
0800 601 011
For queries on qualifying for grants and status of applications, available Mon – Fri, 08h00 to 16h30
National Association of People Living with AIDS (NAPWA)
011 873 7156/58
For counselling, empowerment and training for people living with HIV in all provinces, available Mon-Fri, 08h00-20h30
0800 055 555
For children’s queries, available 24 hours a day
SAPS Emergency number
For safety emergencies, available 24 hours a day
National HIV Health Care Workers Hotline
0800 212 506
For medical queries, available Mon- Fri , 08h00 – 17h00
World Health Organization
Department of Health
Treatment Action Campaign
Networking HIV/AIDS Community of South Africa (NACOSA)
Stop TB Partnership