World AIDS Day: Provincial Launch in Uitenhage

The provincial launch of World AIDS Day 2018 took place in Uitenhage on Wednesday, 07 November.

The event was divided into three parts:

  • A political briefing from 08h00 – 09h30
  • Formal proceedings
  • A taxi rank activation

The formal proceedings took place just in front of the Municipal Town Hall. The Executive Mayor of the Metro, Councillor Bobani,  welcomed everyone to the event, before Ms Helen Sauls-August (Eastern Cape MEC for Health) outlined the purpose of the day. The main speaker was the Acting Premier, MEC Dr Dyantyi. He encouraged the outreach teams to go out and conduct HIV and TB testing. There were more than 300 testers present – all proudly wearing their branded T-shirts and caps.

It was a beautiful display of support from TB HIV Care, and we were acknowledged for the massive support that we gave to both the launch and the WAD outreach activities.

The taxi rank activation took place at the Uitenhage Main Taxi Rank, and this was followed by a visit to Hollywood where door-to-door visits were done (the focus was on community testing).  Lastly, we visited a clinic in Despatch, where the Acting Premier and other dignitaries met with clinic staff to listen to how they will accept all clients who have interrupted their treatment back into care. There was also an opportunity for members of the community to raise their own concerns and challenges about the clinic.

Mr Dayile from ECAC (who was MC on the day), made special mention of TB HIV Care – for all support that we have rendered to the programme,

Thank you!