Thuma Mina Campaign in Amathole

The Amathole District Department of Health (DoH) has embarked on the Thuma Mina (Send Me) project, which aims to bring health services to far-flung, rural communities.

The campaign had activities planned for three days in Mnquma Local Municipality (Amathole) from 18- 21 February. Gcina, with seven villages and Chebe with six villages were the areas identified in Mnquma to host the event. Communities in these areas are serviced by only three health facilities – all on average about 5km- 10km away. 

During the three days, integrated services were offered, including HTS, consultation of all clients by nurses and specialised care (which included: eye care, ENT, dental care, gynaecological care, social care and even application of identity documents and birth certificates).

Youth clinics and dialogues were led by TB HIV Care staff to make sure that the youth are not left behind.

TB HIV Care’s HTS and Care & Treatment teams worked passionately and with dedication, providing much-needed quality care to those communities.

The event received support by the attendance of the DoH district office, sub-district and provincial HAST Managers.

Well done to all those who made the event possible!