Anje Pretorius (M&E Director) attended the TB Reach Waves 9 and 10 Implementation workshop in Manila, Philippines, from 6-8 March 2024.
TB HIV Care is a sub-recipient of TB Proof and implements a TB preventive therapy (TPT) expansion programme in Khayelitsha. The overall purpose of the meeting was to provide a learning opportunity between grantees and other participants and share results.
The objectives included:
- Further optimise current W10/W9 implementations (where relevant) through sharing of experiences, learnings from M&E/implementation research data, and possibly skills-building.
- Support grantees in developing/revising their adoption and scale-up strategy, advocacy activities and sharing of results.
- Build and strengthen collaborations between organisations.
- Document cross-learnings for the broader TB community and improve the M&E of future wave(s) of TB REACH.
Representatives from 36 TB Reach projects attended the meeting. The meeting included plenary, small group, and thematic topic sessions. The agenda was packed with interesting and participatory sessions and a great learning experience.
One key takeaway from the workshop is the realisation that there is no silver bullet when it comes to TB. Still, through TB Reach funding, innovative approaches are piloted and sometimes successfully scaled.