Social Innovations Network

TB HIV Care launches the Social Innovations Network

On Wednesday, 18 April, TB HIV Care launched our new Social Innovations Network.

The project, led by Simone Van Willingh (Public-Private Partnership Coordinator) aims to explore the potential of public-private partnerships (PPPs), to look at different financing models and ultimately to build a network of passionate businesses, companies and individuals who can collaborate and partner together in meaningful and sustainable projects.

The first event saw over 60 people, from 42 different organisations, come together to network, share ideas and gain a better understanding of exactly what public-private partnerships are – and what they can achieve.

We were lucky enough to have four fantastic speakers:

  • Michael Manning, Director Western Cape Department of Health Business Unit, who gave a government perspective on PPPs that work;
  • Adam Randolph, Managing Director of Abbott Laboratories, who delivered a private sector perspective on what it takes for PPPs to function effectively in Africa;
  • Rayna Taback-Esra, Public Health Specialist at the CDC, who talked about the ‘shared value’ of PPPs in public health; and
  • Dr Susan de Witt, Bertha Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, who gave an academic perspective on the role of innovative financing models in PPPs.

It was an interesting and exciting evening and TB HIV Care hopes to build on the momentum, not only to grow the network, but to realise tangible results in the form of PPP projects.

If you would like to find out more about the Social Innovations Network, please email

Journalist Kerry Cullinan covered the launch for Health-e News and the Daily Maverick. You can read the full article here.