Pan-African Parliament

The Pan-African Parliament hears from TB HIV Care

On National Women’s Day, Prof. Harry Hausler (CEO) headed to Johannesburg to speak to the Pan-African Parliament TB Caucus on how parliamentarians can work with civil society to end TB.

Harry presented his ideas about the three key ways civil society can contribute to the response to TB: by implementing services (particularly to hard-to-reach populations), by providing evidence-based information through research, and by advocating to put certain crucial issues on government’s agenda. He noted that the independence of civil society enables it to perform each of these three activities in a manner not possible by government.

The members of parliament present originated from countries across Africa, including Algeria, South Sudan, Cameroon, Guinea, Kenya, Lesotho, the Seychelles and Mauritius.

TB HIV Care was invited to speak at this meeting because of its recent appointment as a secretariat for the soon-to-be-launched SA TB Caucus – a body equivalent to the Pan-African TB Caucus, but made up of South African parliamentarians championing TB.