
Benchmarking Best Practices in Viral Load Monitoring

TB HIV Care, led by Mandisa Mona (Advanced Clinical Care Facilitator), joined a team of ten delegates, including representatives from TB HIV Care’s Chris Hani district office, SEAD and the Chris Hani District Department of Health (DOH), on a four-day visit (26 February – 01 March) to Durban. The trip was organised by CAPRISA.

The purpose of the visit was to benchmark best practices in viral load monitoring and recognition of treatment failure; learn strategies to increase viral load coverage in ART clients; share Advanced Clinical Care (ACC) tools utilised for improved patient outcomes and share M&E tools for reporting purposes. All of which contribute to moving closer to achieving the third target of UNAIDS’ 90-90-90 goals (that by 2020, 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy will have viral suppression).

The best practices will be piloted in the Chris Hani health district, with relevant stakeholders prioritising 10×10 facilities and escalated to other facilities supported by TB HIV Care in Amathole and OR Tambo.

The team also visited Clairwood Hospital (Thusong ARV Clinic) where ART patients with complications are managed.  They were taken step-by-step through the management process of these patients.

Thanks so much to all involved.