Sound the alarm! The clock is ticking: let’s prevent, find and end TB!

In support of the national theme for World TB Day 2021 The clock is ticking to find, treat and end TB, TB HIV Care is asking the country, to “sound the alarm. Raise your voice and make a noise to show that time is running out to meet our commitments to end TB.”

We’re asking you to commit to sound the alarm by signing an online pledge committing to:

  • Setting your phone or watch alarm to go off at 08h00 from 17th to 24th March
  • Blowing a vuvuzela at 08h00 from 17th to 24th March
  • Hooting your car at 08h00 from 17th to 24th March

In 2018, South Africa made commitments to meet certain TB targets by 2022 at the United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB. With less than two years left to fulfil them, the clock is ticking. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, TB has slipped back down the global health agenda, while simultaneously severely impacting on the delivery of TB-related health services. The National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) noted a 30% drop in TB diagnosis in the first five months of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country. In a context where 42% of people sick with TB were already not being diagnosed and treated, this is seen by many as a crisis.

An important aspect of the 2022 UNHLM targets is a show of political leadership and coordination in the country by the formation of a multisectoral accountability framework for TB (MAF-TB). The clock is ticking to set up such a mechanism in South Africa, which could then ensure progress towards the other critical targets.

This campaign aims to sound the alarm on TB as a public health emergency and focus attention on the countdown to meeting South Africa’s targets to End TB.

For media enquiries: Alison Best 072 615 9192

Stop TB Partnership World TB Day 2021 toolkit

SANAC World TB Day 2021 toolkit