Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of mortality in South Africa particularly amongst people
living with HIV. One of the risk factors that contribute to mortality among people with TB disease is poor
adherence to treatment. Household food insecurity is highlighted as being one of the underlying causes of
poor adherence to treatment. This is often driven by lack of economic power to purchase food and
inequitable intra-household access to food, among others (Abdu-RaheemI & Worth, 2011).
Household food insecurity often results in undernutrition, a risk factor for TB disease (WHO, 2019).
The National Department of Health (NDoH) is one of the four Principal Recipients (PRs) appointed to
implement Global Fund TB/HIV programmes from the 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2022. TB HIV Care, a
sub-recipient, is mandated to implement a TB programme with an additional nutrition programme as a
support strategy. The aim of the nutrition programmme is to ensure that TB patients with either drug
sensitive TB or drug resistant TB are provided with a food parcel during the treatment period or up to a
determined period.
TB HIV Care requires the services of a service provider for the provision of pre-packaged food parcels and their distribution.
More details are outlined in the provided documents: