On Monday, 26 November, TB HIV Care’s Doctor Kenneth Kaunda (DKK) Key Populations – Sex Worker Programme site was assessed for its capacity to provide antiretroviral therapy (ART) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
Key assessment objectives included:
- To assess the facility in the quality management of HIV and TB
- To assess implementation of the NSP HIV, STI and TB guidelines
- Assess the data management system, including proper data collection, recording, analysis and reporting
- To assess the drug supply and management system: planning, forecasting and reporting
- Support the facility in identifying programme strengths, weaknesses and opportunities – and making appropriate recommendations for improvement of ART/ PrEP service delivery
The site was visited by Hasina Subedar, Eva Marumo (NDoH), Keitheng Matlapeng (North West Provincial DoH), Paul Motlhaoleng and Anna Malaudi (Matlosana District DoH). They were received by Mfezi Mcingana (TB HIV Care’s Key Populations Programme Manager) and the DKK team. A successful assessment was conducted and accreditation was granted for both ART and PrEP implementation for the site.
The TB HIV Care DKK team would like to thank the DKK District and the NW Provincial Department of Health for their continued support of the programme.