Civil Society from several districts met at the Lentegeur Conference Centre between 04 and 05 March, to engage on the representation of the Western Cape Provincial Council on AIDS at SANAC meetings. It provided sector members with valuable understanding and training on SANAC objectives and procedures but also focused on the election of sector and district leaders and the Provincial Civil Society Forum Chairperson. TB HIV Care represented many of its programmes by standing for election in some of those sectors including women, health professionals, PLHIV, research, sex workers and legal/human rights. On 5 March, the following TB HIV Care staff were elected by their sector members to represent on the Provincial Council on AIDS: Julie MacDonnell as Sector Leader for Legal and Human Rights and Professor Harry Hausler as Sector Leader for research. Within minutes, Harry was required to vacate that particular leadership post as he was elected as the Civil Society Forum Deputy Chairperson for the Western Cape Provincial Council on AIDS. The Cape Metro district elected Ndumi Mtshiselwa as their district chairperson.
The Civil Society Forum members then elected Yolaan Andrews as the Resource Mobilisation Committee Convener and Prof Harry Hausler as the Programme Review Committee Convener for the province. TB HIV Care is proud to represent the Western Cape province and will continue to support all sectors and SANAC in its implementation of the National Strategic Plan.