TB HIV Care was well represented at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science, which took place from 21 July to 24 July 2019 in Mexico City, Mexico.
The IAS Conference on HIV Science is the world’s most influential meeting on HIV research and features diverse topics, speakers and cutting-edge studies.
TB HIV Care’s Prof. Harry Hausler presented on isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) among key populations at a TB and HIV satellite session, while Dr Andrew Scheibe participated in an HIV and viral hepatitis pre-conference session – as well as sharing findings of South Africa’s harm reduction coverage and gaps in an oral presentation (see article below).
TB HIV Care also had several meetings and engagements with partners, including UNITE, GNP+ and others.
TB HIV Care’s harm reduction work received media coverage, and you can read the article here:
Low harm reduction coverage for people who inject drugs in South Africa