What policies, laws or practices impact on people’s ability to access health services, particularly TB services, discriminate against people with TB, or make certain groups more vulnerable to contracting TB?
Submit your experiences to: alison@tbhivcare.org
Your submissions will contribute towards the assessment of the legal environment of South Africa in the response to TB , and the development of recommendations to improve it.
TB HIV Care is seeking inputs from diverse key stakeholders including TB patients, those affected by TB and those advocating for human rights, TB key populations and similar fields on the ways in which South Africa’s legal environment affects the response to TB. This is as part of a project that aims to assess the potential barriers that may be contributing to people not reaching care in South Africa. The Stop TB Partnership is supporting assessments in countries around the world and TB HIV Care is facilitating the process in South Africa.
Why is your submission important?
- By speaking out now, you will help to shape the recommendations of the Legal Environment Assessment for TB in South Africa, and influence advocacy efforts in the country for an effective human-rights based response to TB.
What to submit?
You can structure the submission as you wish, or complete the statements below:
- This is how a law or policy (or the way it is implemented), affects me in terms of TB, or affects people I know or work with in terms of TB:
(If there are several policies or laws, please mention all of them)
- If I could change a policy or law (or the way it is implemented) to improve the response to TB, this is what I would change, and why:
(If there are several policies or laws, please mention all of them)
- I feel that the following practices discriminate against people with TB in the following ways:
(Describe both the practice/s and how they affect people with TB)
Please also include your contact details, name, and state whether you are submitting as an individual or on behalf of an organisation.
You may make a submission in the form of an email, a letter, a written document or even an audio or video file.
Email: alison@tbhivcare.org
Post: PO Box 2589, Cape Town, 8000
Video/Audio: Either via email or wetransfer or by sharing a Youtube or Vimeo link
Confidentiality: If you wish your submission to be confidential, please clearly state this, and indicate which parts should not be included in the final report.
DEADLINE: 25th October 2018
For more information, please email alison@tbhivcare.org